St. Joseph Lector Ministers are expected to......
· Have good reading skills
· Believe and understand what they read
· Practice what they are to read well before their scheduled time
· Be punctual when scheduled
· Be willing to improve their skills by attending workshops and utilizing publications
· Dress in a modest attire
· Compose themselves in a respective manner
How much time is involved?
St. Joseph Parish understands your time is valuable and you may already have a busy schedule, being a lector can give you the ability to become more involved with your parish community and discover your faith more fully by simply volunteering for just one Mass a month or several Masses a month
Lectors at St. Joseph Parish are scheduled at the Mass of their preference, whenever possible, in teams of two. Training is available from the Coordinators and a Lector's Workbook, with the readings for the liturgical year along with history and pronunciations, is given to each Lector.
If your child or spouse is scheduled to minister at a Mass, we will work with your family by coordinating your schedules
Below is a schedule of Masses to help you work with your schedule and become more active in your parish today.
Mon - Fri 8:00am ♦ Saturday 4:30pm ♦ Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am